MerusCase Blog

Client Acquisition & Retention 101

Written by Marissa Vessels | Sep 22, 2015 2:30:00 PM

With cooler days on the horizon, it's starting to feel incredibly tempting to just drop everything and head somewhere tropical to soak up the last bit of summer, isn't it? Well, before you book any last-minute plane tickets, let's take some time to talk shop.

This week, we've compiled a few of our favorite articles about client acquisition and retention for you to browse (while you're laying out in the sun, of course):

5 Tips to Keep Clients from “Breaking Up” With You

Once you've worked hard to persuade a client that you're the right person for the job, it's pretty frustrating if the client decides not to move forward with you as their lawyer. That said, are you doing everything possible to deter your clients from looking another direction? This post from Law Info lays out 5 great tips for preventing the awkward client breakup.

How to Obtain and Retain Clients

Network, network, network. We've all heard this before, but sometimes we need to be reminded. In this post, American Bar offers some sage advice on how to best garner new clients through long-term relationship building.

Caring for Clients: When a Lawyer Isn't Enough

Whether you're prepared or not, at some point, clients will call on you to be more than just a legal counselor. It's very possible that they'll ask for help on situations far from your range of expertise and, during these times, it's important to be able to differentiate between building trust and simply overreaching. Check out this Attorney at Work article, which walks us through how to set boundaries when dealing with various client issues.

10 Ways to Make Customers Fall in Love with Your Business

Remember: a client is a customer and a customer is always right... even when you think they're not. Once you bring on a new client, it's time to start converting them into life-long customers. And what better way to do this than by inspiring them to fall completely head-over-heels in love with your firm?

And that's all for this week. Here's to hoping that you find these tips helpful — now go book that ticket!