Just two years ago, the Washington Post called the legal profession the “least diverse profession in the nation.” While it appears that this is changing, we still have a long way to go. To encourage more women to not only join the profession, but rise to the same ranks as men in the profession, several organizations (both long-standing and new) provide opportunities for mentorship, networking, and support to women who want to excel in the profession. Here are just a few to consider:
Shape the Law
Full disclosure: the author of this post is a co-founder of Shape the Law, which was founded by four women lawyers to bring unconferences and other innovative programming to the legal community. Our goal is to facilitate authentic conversations about the myriad challenges facing our profession - which is the first step in implementing positive change. We’re starting a movement to shape the future of the law; join us! While membership is not exclusive to women, most of the events are dominated by women in the profession who hope to break down barriers and shatter glass ceilings.
Women, Influence & Power in Law Network
The Women, Influence & Power in Law Network (WIPL) was launched in 2012 to integrate seven specific projects designed to accelerate the economic empowerment of women in law departments and law firms. Each of these projects offers unparalleled value to rising women leaders through a meaningful and actionable support network. Together, these events foster networking, mentoring, and the sharing of ideas and best practices - within the context of workshops, conferences, informal luncheons and dinners, and awards events.
Women in the Profession - American Bar Association
As the national voice for women lawyers, the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession advocates for a new and better ideology that ensures that women have equal opportunities for professional growth and advancement - commensurate with their male counterparts.
National Association of Women Lawyers: NAWL
The mission of the National Association of Women Lawyers is to provide leadership, a collective voice, and essential resources to advance women's interests in the legal sphere.
State Bar Organizations
Every state has its own Bar Association chapter for women lawyers. In California, we not only have the California Women’s Lawyers Association, but the Queen’s Bench Bar Association as well. Regardless of which state or local bar you join, it’s imperative to meet and work with other women to move the profession forward.