10 Truths About What It's Really Like to Be a Lawyer, Featuring Jeffrey Stern
For our second-to-last interview in the MerusCase Legal Profession Q&A series, we're speaking with Jeffrey Stern, MerusCase client and attorney at the Law Offices of Mallery & Stern, about what it's really like to be a lawyer: the good, the bad, and the not-so-pretty. Read on to hear what Jeff has to say about work-life balance, strategies for success, and what he would have changed about his law school experience. Have your own questions for Jeff? Feel free to share them in the comments below!
10 Tips for Law School Success with Della Shaker
Welcome to Part 2 of our Legal Profession FAQ series! Earlier this week, we interviewed startup lawyer Mary Redzic about her law school experience and, today, we're chatting with attorney and MerusCase client Della Shaker about her tips for law school success. Whether you're interested in going to law school, currently enrolled, or just enjoy reminiscing on your good 'ol law school days, sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy our exclusive interview:
Read MoreYour Law School Questions, Answered: An Interview with Mary Redzic
In this series, the MerusCase team has interviewed four different legal professionals, all of whom are on different parts of the spectrum when it comes to post-JD careers. Today we're dishing up honest and thoughtful advice from Mary Redzic, In-House Counsel at Vionic Group, about the path to law school: what you should major in, how to decide on a school, and when you should start preparing. Have your own questions for Mary? Leave 'em in the comments below!
Read MoreHow to Find a Mentor (and What to Ask When You Do)
If you're feeling lost in your career, or simply want to take your professional life to the next level, developing a relationship with a mentor is one of the best ways to get real-world advice from someone who has already navigated the course you're currently on. Whenever you're ready to take the plunge, here are 5 tried-and-true tips for finding a mentor (and what to ask when you do):
Read MoreFinding the Path to an In-House Career
The most common question I hear from junior lawyers is “what can I do to make the transition into an in-house role?”
Unfortunately, the answer is rarely a simple one. In fact, it is often the dreaded “it depends” response.
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