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Savvy Support: Microsoft Exchange and MerusMail
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Messaging in MerusCase allows attorneys and staff to send and receive messages both to other users in their firm and to outside email recipients. User-to-user messaging is supported out-of-the-box with no additional configuration needed, along with sending messages to outside recipients via our Guest Messaging interface, which logs outside mail recipients in to a "Merus Lite" to view their message.
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2014 Resolution: Embracing Technology To Increase Efficiency and Drive Profits
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I am inarguably the least tech savvy person here at Fuery Solutions. In my defense, my professional work thus far—whether in biopharmaceutical or legal—never really required me to keep abreast of the newest and the latest innovations in information technology. Besides, I have always worked at companies that had fairly sizable IT departments with a knowledgeable staff. However, I am not alone, lawyers have been the slowest adopters of new tech. Understandably, those of us in the legal profession focus most of our time and efforts on what's transpiring in court, various deadlines and the demands of multiple clients facing myriad of legal issues rather than what's happening in the technology industry.
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I am inarguably the least tech savvy person here at Fuery Solutions. In my defense, my professional work thus far—whether in biopharmaceutical or legal—never really required me to keep abreast of the newest and the latest innovations in information technology. Besides, I have always worked at companies that had fairly sizable IT departments with a knowledgeable staff. However, I am not alone, lawyers have been the slowest adopters of new tech. Understandably, those of us in the legal profession focus most of our time and efforts on what's transpiring in court, various deadlines and the demands of multiple clients facing myriad of legal issues rather than what's happening in the technology industry.
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