- Better adherence to user permissions when linking activities to related cases
- Ledger descriptions containing hard returns no longer cause invalid LEDES export files
- Previously edited ledger entry is no longer opened when creating a new ledger entry
- More accurate updating of Remaining column when attaching an invoice to an unreconciled payment
- Better iconography in Payments tables
- Improved behavior when displaying events with titles containing hard returns
Case Ledgers
- Using arrow keys to scroll through billing codes no longer dismisses the list of codes when an empty description is encountered
- Improved behavior of Bill To contact selection, particularly when there is no default set
- General Staff and Power User accounts are no longer able to edit time charges that have been reviewed
- General Staff accounts are properly prevented from attempting to delete ledger entries
Copy Services
- Compex QuickFilter now filters on Vendor rather than Order Number
- Order tab now shows the selected vendor's orders rather than the last vendor listed
- More details shown for requested records
- Ordering records for a contact with an attached company no longer creates an empty company
- Improved assignee behavior when using the Branch Office selector
- Stips Parcel JET filing (experimental) has been enabled
- Address used on PDF invoices is now pulled from the Branch Office set on the case
- Improved date calculations when Next Invoice Date crosses a year boundary
- Sending a PDF Preview of a document no longer creates an activity with no description for the attachment
- Link to Case button no longer improperly disabled in some situations
- PDF versions of MS Word documents now properly receive the name of the MS Word document when forwarded
- Cases List with Injury Detail is better about retrieving cases when filtering on a specific status
- Billable Time reports now properly run for all users if no user selection is made
- Added merge fields for Vehicle Information
- Improved behavior when pasting text from MS Word or MS Outlook
- Increased clarity when user is prompted to change their password
- Better behavior of autocompleters when using the keyboard to navigate through the displayed options
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