Full Release Notes for the Nerds at Heart
- Improved behavior when clearing a date/time filter on the Activities list
- Word documents forwarded from the Activity list no longer display the PDF icon
- More consistency around tagging activities; batch tagging now follows permissions of tagging a single activity
- Improved behavior when viewing an activity that is tied to a quick-saved document
Activity Tags
- Deleting multiple tags no longer requires a refresh between each delete action
- Better behavior of amount applied field when saving a payment/receivable
- Operating Account ledger types are no longer shown when recording payments in the Client/Trust Account
- Improved audit histories for invoices and receivables
- Payment Method is now shown in Payments: History and Payments: Unreconciled
- Creating an all-day event by clicking the All-Day section of the calendar no longer sets the start day of the event back one day
- All-day events are no longer shown with start and end times when viewed
- All-day events are properly reported as all-day when synced to CalDAV devices
- Improved behavior when dragging events to or from the All-Day section of the calendar
Case Files
- Case file preview displays correct counts for Employers, Carriers, and Defense Attorneys
- Added a citation number to the Charges Against Defendant of a Criminal case
- Charges and Priors are now shown in the case file preview for Criminal cases
- Mark Case Reviewed link has been changed to a button to make it more apparent
Case Ledgers
- Improvements when using Allocation Mode and applying all suggestions
- Better behavior when using Save & Add More Time, Save & Close, and Save & Send
- Improved updating of contact list when an address is deleted
- Reduced confusion around a contact's billing party status
- Improved updating of linked documents
- Search results are no longer retained after clearing the search term
- New merge fields for Addressblock with Fax and Email
- Improved display of dates for multi-day events
- Firm Office selector for assignees is now additive; current assignees will not be removed if a subsequent firm office is selected
- Cases that don't meet their Minimum Invoice amount are now disabled by default
- Using Send & Delete now properly saves the original message and any attachments if the reply is linked to a case
- Cursor/Insertion point no longer jumps to the main search field when forwarding a message
- Improved behavior of recipient (To, CC, Bcc) widgets
- Selected party group is no longer ignored when adding a new contact using the Party tab
- Messages default filter options are now more appropriate for the various folders, e.g., Inbox, Sent, etc.
- List of reports is now sorted by name by default
- Cases List with Injury Detail no longer generates an error when the report has a large number of cases
- Updated column headings for AR Aging - Point in Time Snapshot for clarity
- Improved Cash Flow per User to better handle applied discounts
- A/R Receivables per User now properly includes ledger entries other than Invoice: Billable Time
- Cases in Need of Review no longer requires cases to have an Applicant set
- A/R Ledger now includes a Bill To
- Changing the Gross Amount of a settlement after a bill for the Legal Fee has been generated no longer changes the Legal Fee
- Improved behavior when using the control column to print a task
- Applied filters are now retained after editing a linked task
Third Party Integrations
- Open, full access to third party vendors of value-added services, e.g., discovery, copy services, vocational rehab, etc. Nominate your vendor for inclusion today
- Firm-wide administration interface for subpoenaed records (copy and discovery) services
- Audit Histories no longer appear blank if a default filter has been applied to the audited item's type, e.g., an invoice, or receivable
- More clarity around the suggested email address when setting up email synchronization
- Improved text display in many themes
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