Janelle Nice

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4 Ways to Get Inspired for 2016 with SMART Goals
Have you put much thought into your goals for 2016? If you've yet to really think about what you hope to achieve, let's start with this: ban lofty, hard-to-reach, impossible-to-measure goals that set you up for failure. Seriously. It's one thing to ~*~*DrEaM BiG*~*~, but when you're holding yourself to ridiculous standards that are hardly achievable, no one wins. Instead of another set of cliché "resolutions," check out these 4 ideas for some serious SMART goals (i.e. goals that are Specific Measurable Action-Oriented, Realistic and Timely) for 2016.
5 Need-to-Know Business Travel Hacks
Business travel is, ideally, all about convenience and efficiency. Granted, many of us know that things don't always go as planned... If you've got a big (or small) business trip coming up soon, here are 5 tips to help you eliminate stress before and during your travel to ensure that your plans go as smoothly as possible.
Read MoreWhy You Should Start Drinking Tea (And Ditch the Coffee Addiction)
Are you an avid coffee drinker? Many of us need that cup in the morning to get the day started or genuinely enjoy the comfort of sitting down with a hot beverage during the day. Whatever your routine is, here are some reasons you might want to consider switching from coffee to tea.
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