We're please to announce a maintenance release of MerusCase.
Our latest update includes the following enhancements:
- A completely redesigned user interface for adding parties to a case. Users can now filter across any contact field and customize their search results. This is extremely useful for firms with a large quantity of contacts and companies in their rolodex. In addition, the same interface is used for both adding a new contact and selecting from the existing contact list.
- Filtered lists of events and case activities are now printable in their entirety. Previously, it was only possible to print 50 at a time.
- There was a rare issue where empty, redundant contact records were created if the New Contact interface was accessed from particular parts of the application. No users reported this issue, but it was nevertheless addressed.
- Several under-the-hood improvements were made to improve the level of uptime redundancy in the platform.
- The total number of out-of-box Microsoft Office form letter templates is now over 50.
- Baseline Tritek Migration scripts have been completed and deployed. The entire import from your existing Tritek database takes longer to copy off your server than it does to import into MerusCase. (This feature is not self-service.)
Thanks for using MerusCase! Please don't be shy about reaching out and letting us know how you feel about these new features. We're constantly updating things behind the scenes as we incorporate your suggestions to help you work smarter and more efficiently.
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