Version 1.463 was released tonight.
Items in this release:
- The Left Control Panel no longer reloads every time a new message comes in. Instead, we simply update the message count, the only portion of the panel that really changed. This is a subtle improvement that most users probably will not notice, but adds to the overall smoothness and speed of the application.
- Urgent Messages now play a slightly obnoxious sound upon arrival.
- Synchronization against the server for updates (like new messages, calendar updates, etc) now occurs on a variable schedule, based on the number of other firm users logged in globally. If more than five users are logged in, the poll rate drops to as low as 30 seconds. Without any other users, MerusCase defaults to updating once every ten minutes. If no users are logged in, no other data can be edited and therefore updates are unnecessary. Again, this is a behind-the-scenes improvement.
- Messaging responsiveness in general is a little snappier as a result of the above improvements.
Thanks for using MerusCase! Please let us know if any of these improvements effect your experience.
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