We've just released a minor update to MerusCase.
It's largely a "patch" to the Ganymede Release that went out the door a couple of weeks ago. As always, we've slipped in a few features based on your feedback:
- An outbound email signature can now be set in User Preferences. It appears at the bottom of all outgoing messages, and is readily viewable in the "Compose Message" pane. Note that it appears below any thread information if you're replying to a message.
- Printing a list of events now includes headers indicating the day of the week.
- Historical Paid Invoices in the Merus invoicing system now auto-archive after 180 days. All historical data is available indefinitely through Reports.
- A Referral report based on referring parties attached to cases is available. It includes both inbound and outbound referrers.
- All date-based reports now have custom date range capabilities.
- We've disabled the "always check for fresh data when switching tabs" behavior everywhere except Case Activities. Most of you have told us that you're not worried about the freshest data moment-to-moment and would rather that Merus not bother you about it.
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