Many of our current firms previously used other case management systems like A1Law or Tritek before they switched to MerusCase. Their reasons for switching to Merus can vary (lower costs/overhead, better reliability, web access), but one common element across these legacy systems is migration: we can import case and contact data from most major systems to ours.
The way data are entered and stored in MerusCase is more structured compared to that of many of our competitors because fields in MerusCase need to be used in multiple places. Date of Injury in a case, for example, needs to be explicitly defined so it can also be referenced by auto-filled forms and templates. In contrast, other systems might allow adding/changing fields or leaving fields empty because they don't have or don't need this kind of cross-module information sharing.
When a firm with one of these legacy systems decides to switch to MerusCase, we make a lot of effort to faithfully import fields from their old system to ours. Depending on how rigidly or how loosely these legacy systems' data are structured, this can take a lot of difficult data translation: we might have to, for example, split up a Full Name field from a legacy system in to separate First and Last Name fields in Merus to support automatic merging of "Dear Mr/Mrs LastName" in our templates.
After some deeper investigation, MerusCase Support was able to gather enough affected cases in this firm to observe some trends. All of the affected cases were about 10 years old, dating back to their first use of the legacy system. A check of these cases' activities confirmed this: the very first activity in these cases read "Data retrieved from X system" and a text summary of the information imported from the legacy system.
While we found references to files imported and case created, we weren't able to find any references to imported parties. A quick check of the Parties tab in several of these cases confirmed that there weren't any parties in them. Based on this information, we were able to conclude these cases were created in the legacy system with no party information.
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