This user emailed in again a short while later, noting the same issue had cropped up in a different case. It took a screenshot and a description of the names before we were able to figure out what was happening. The image above (scrubbed of any protected/confidential information) is a screenshot a different user sent to us, illustrating the same problem: Activities appearing in the Parties section.
Information in the MerusCase database is stored in table rows and columns. Some parts of MerusCase, like Activities and Browse Contacts, also show as tables, but other parts, like Parties and Injuries, are displayed differently to make them easier to understand. Row 1 in the Parties table is turned in to a party box, and so on.
Luckily, this rare and complex problem has a simple solution. We advised the user to refresh the page, pulling in a fresh copy of the tables and table display rules.
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