To view which version of MerusCase you are on, navigate to your Tools & Settings and choose "About MerusCase" from the bottom of the list. If you firm is on MerusCase version 4.05, expect to see the following updates throughout the week. We have a staggered roll out schedule towards MerusCase version 4.0 put in place to ensure a smooth transition for all firms, so if your firm is not on this version yet, expect to see these updates within the next coming weeks!
If you're interested in reading about our full set of updates for version 4.05, feel free to read the release notes below:
- Linked activities that have been deleted or unlinked will no longer appear in related cases
- Improved behavior for creating and viewing activities that are linked to related cases
Billing Contacts
- Better control over which rates and settings get overwritten when changing a Billing Contact's rates and settings, or changing a case's assigned Billing Contact
Calendar & Events
- Event view is properly updated when saving a recurring event
- Show Past Events and Show Future Events Only widgets are now shown even when there are no events to show
Case Files
- Generate Caption from Party List widget creates a proper caption
- Form Receipt # link in Immigration cases is now a link to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website
- Party ordering is fixed
- Applicant people type can now be assigned to multiple parties on single case
- Secondary Applicant is no longer used as part of the case file's name
- If you want your Secondary Applicant parties to be used as part of the case file's name, change the people type to Applicant
Case Ledgers
- Better handling of entries with fractional pennies
- Improved behavior when editing existing entries
- Ability to view a case ledger in Firefox
- Avatar controls have been turned back on
- Default priority for notification message when linking documents to a case is now Normal instead of Low
- Improved behavior when merging forms
- QME Replacement Reason is now a dropdown selector
- No Statute Set widget no longer shown after a statute has been set
- Improved performance when composing a message with inline images or that is part of long conversation/thread
- Conversation contents are available through the ellipsis widget
- Do not send notifications preference now available
- Case name is no longer retained after removing the case association from a forwarded message
Party Groups
- Better behavior when changing group names and colors
- A/R: Payments Received now shows total, and honors firm preference for case file number to display
- Related tasks are no longer modified when the Change all Related Tasks checkbox is unchecked
- No longer showing warning about related tasks when marking a task complete
- Workflows now have a Description
- Workflows list can now be searched and sorted
- General improvements to system performance
- Color pickers no longer display as a swatch of a single color
- Better behavior of the Sweet Caroline theme
- Improved display of date picker widgets
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