- Workflows no longer fire if the activity is auto-saved multiple times
- Downloading export files using the notification link now works
- Zero-dollar invoices can now be manually marked paid
- Trust/Client Accounting is available again
- Record Deposits, Payments, and Disbursements
- Better behavior of events set to repeat monthly close to the end of the month
Case Files
- Cases created using the EAMS Importer now have the venue set correctly
- Personal Injury - Motor Vehicle Accident
- Vehicle assignment and position of witnesses now save properly
- Personal Injury
- Better behavior at narrow display widths
Case Ledgers
- New ledger type, Expense - Item, for recording expenses that have quantity and unit cost components, i.e. Copies or Mileage
- No longer able to remove the primary party from a case
- Improved display of contact information in search results following an update of the contact
- Search on iOS now searches on more than the first character entered
- Email addresses can now be copied and pasted into new messages
- Better behavior of Print & Export menu when Help panel is open
- Follow-up Events now receive the assignees of the original event
- Additional layout options for PDF invoices to improve compatibility with window envelopes
- Display 'Bill To' and 'Payment Information' on First Page Only
- Default is to display this information at the top of every page
- Do Not Include the 'Bill To' Label
- Margin above 'Bill To'
- Set a distance from the top of the page where the Bill To information will begin
- Margin above Line Items Table
- Set a distance from the top of the page where the line items will start
- Margin above 'Reference/Memo'
- Set a distance between the Reference/Memo field and the Bill To information
- Display 'Bill To' and 'Payment Information' on First Page Only
- New preferences for Top, Left, and Right margins
- Available options: .25", .33" (current setting), .5", .75", and 1.0"
- Additional preferences for showing labels for the information in the Reference/Memo field
- Options for including/excluding case-specific information in the Reference/Memo field
- Case Name
- Claim Number(s) (Workers' Compensation cases only)
- Date(s) of Injury (Workers' Compensation cases only)
- Time Tracking and Expense entries are now separated into Services and Expenses sections
- LEDES export formats now include the item quantity and unit cost for expenses
- Detaching ledger entries is now included in the audit history of the ledger entry
- Better behavior when filtering for unset values (N/A) in Last Invoiced or Cycle
- Improved display of Create Invoices list at large display sizes
- Sorting and filtering on Next Invoice is now possible
- Attachments are now available to recipients who are not MerusCase users, but retrieve the message using MerusCase
- Improved display of party groups following the replacement of in-use party groups
- Upcoming Birthdays is available again
- Workflows updated more accurately following the replacement of the assigned activity tag
- Display of updated information when viewing a workflow has been improved
- Immigration Template Creator now has the MerusCase tab
- Help Menu no longer obscures navigation tabs in portrait mode on iOS
- Better display of tabs at narrow display widths
- Improved behavior of search fields on iOS
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