7 Ways to Make Lawyering More Fun
Labels: Productivity, Mastering MerusCase
3 Ways to Increase Collaboration Through Your Law Practice Management System
You probably know someone who has a “virtual office” or works remotely from time to time. While many sectors and industries have made remote work possible and even profitable, law firm infrastructure makes it difficult to implement remote collaboration in a legal setting. For years, even being able to access documents and case files from outside the office has been a challenge for many firms. Luckily, new and emerging legal software systems have thwarted this issue, making it not only possible, but easy to collaborate with your associates, staff and partners - no matter where you are.
Labels: Productivity, Mastering MerusCase
Behind the Scenes: An Interview with MerusCase PMM Mary Redzic
Labels: Legal Technology, General Announcements
5 Ways to Network in the Legal Profession
Across industries, career advancement is dependent not only upon merit, but upon “who you know” - and the power of network influence is growing steadily as more opportunities for connectivity emerge. The legal profession is far from an exception; as many brilliant, hard-working, yet overlooked attorneys can confirm, navigating through the legal industry is difficult when you lack the proper channels. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start building a strong network - and, thanks to these five developing avenues, it’s easier now than it’s ever been before.
Read MoreLabels: Strategy, Law Firm Marketing, Partnerships
7 Ways Lawyers Can Conquer Stage Fright
Labels: Strategy, Law School, Productivity
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